Highlights of the Catholic Writers Conference and #CMN2016

Radio interview...

Radio interview…

Just a fraction of the contributors to the Catholic Mom's Prayer Companion.

Just a fraction of the contributors to the Catholic Mom’s Prayer Companion.

CWG Booth

The CWG Booth!

Dinner out with Andy

Out to dinner with Andy LaVallee, Dr. Barbara Golder and Kathy!

Lisa and Ellen

Lisa Hendey and I giving a presentation on Facebook and Goodreads (thanks to Amy Cattapan for the photo!)


Accepting the CALA award, FQP contributors, taking questions from the audience and our lovely presenters’ aid, Terri!

More images from CWCL

More moments from the CMN and CWCL!

With Priests for Live and Teresa Tomeo

With Fr. Frank Pavone, Teresa Tomeo and Janet Morana! #CMN2016