Catholic Writers Conference Live 2018 Highlights #cwcl2018 #cmn2018

I had a wonderful time in Lancaster, Pennsylvania this past week at the Catholic Writers Conference Live and the Catholic Marketing Network Trade Show! Here are just a few of the highlights.


Dinner with fellow Guild members, a few bookstore owners and a surprise friend from Canada!


Clockwise: Fr. Don Calloway giving his keynote presentation at the Catholic Writers Conference Live; fellow Guildies and dear friends/authors Lisa Mladinich and Mary Lou Rosien; with “fans” Dr. Jean Egolf and her daughter; the CWG booth.


With some of the Guild members and Fr. Don Calloway.


Clockwise from left: Historic St. Mary’s, Lancaster Convention Center, Historic St. Mary’s (exterior), inside the convention center and Greenwood Cemetery (where some of my Gable ancestors are buried)


Top: FQP Authors: Back row: me, Dr. Barbara Golder, Michelle Buckman, Amanda Lauer; front row: Carolyn Astfalk, Erin McCole Cupp, Karina Fabian and Arthur Powers. Bottom: the Writer and Spirituality panel (left to right: Arthur Powers, me, Marge Fenelon and Lisa Mladinich.) Right: with my dear friend and fellow Guildie and author of children’s novels, Karen Kelly Boyce.

2 thoughts on “Catholic Writers Conference Live 2018 Highlights #cwcl2018 #cmn2018

  1. It looks wonderful.. Thanks for sharing, Ellen. Sorry to have missed it.

    On Mon, Aug 6, 2018 at 8:02 AM, Plot Line and Sinker (Ellen Gable, Author) wrote:

    > Ellen Gable Hrkach posted: “I had a wonderful time in Lancaster, > Pennsylvania this past week at the Catholic Writers Conference Live and the > Catholic Marketing Network Trade Show! Here are just a few of the > highlights. ” >

  2. Pingback: An Open Book – September 2018 #openbook | Plot Line and Sinker (Ellen Gable, Author)

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