Catholic Writers Conference Live 2018 Highlights #cwcl2018 #cmn2018

I had a wonderful time in Lancaster, Pennsylvania this past week at the Catholic Writers Conference Live and the Catholic Marketing Network Trade Show! Here are just a few of the highlights.


Dinner with fellow Guild members, a few bookstore owners and a surprise friend from Canada!


Clockwise: Fr. Don Calloway giving his keynote presentation at the Catholic Writers Conference Live; fellow Guildies and dear friends/authors Lisa Mladinich and Mary Lou Rosien; with “fans” Dr. Jean Egolf and her daughter; the CWG booth.


With some of the Guild members and Fr. Don Calloway.


Clockwise from left: Historic St. Mary’s, Lancaster Convention Center, Historic St. Mary’s (exterior), inside the convention center and Greenwood Cemetery (where some of my Gable ancestors are buried)


Top: FQP Authors: Back row: me, Dr. Barbara Golder, Michelle Buckman, Amanda Lauer; front row: Carolyn Astfalk, Erin McCole Cupp, Karina Fabian and Arthur Powers. Bottom: the Writer and Spirituality panel (left to right: Arthur Powers, me, Marge Fenelon and Lisa Mladinich.) Right: with my dear friend and fellow Guildie and author of children’s novels, Karen Kelly Boyce.

An Open Book – August 2017 #openbook

Open Book

I’m joining with Carolyn Astfalk and Catholic Mom for An Open Book. There are A LOT of books now on my to-read shelf since I attended the Catholic Writers Conference Live two weeks ago. Here’s just a few of the books that are on my reading shelf:

26 Champions of the Rosary by Fr. Don Calloway

Synopsis: Read this book and learnall about the greatest heroes of the rosary in Church history, prepare yourselfto join their ranks, and respond to the challenges of the present age by taking up the spiritual sword of Heaven: the rosary! Internationally known speaker and author Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC, loves Our Lady and her favorite devotion: the rosary. But he’s not the only one! Throughout the life of the Church, many men and women have become great saints and helped change the course of human history by the power of the rosary. In 26 Champions of the Rosary, Fr. Calloway presents the outstanding heroes whose trusting dependence on Our Lady and her rosary have brought peace and divine help to the world.

My review:  This is a wonderful companion to Fr. Calloway’s previous book, Champions of the Rosary. If you love the Rosary, if you want to promote the Rosary, if you want the world to know how powerful the Rosary is, then share this book!  Excellent.  Highly recommend!

Bonus: Photo with the author!

With Fr. Don Calloway. And with my good friend, Meggie K. Daly, also the author of a Rosary book!

Our Lady, Undoer of Knots, a Living Novena by Marge Fenelon

Synopsis: Our Lady, Undoer of Knots: A Living Novena is a unique guided meditation from veteran Catholic journalist Marge Fenelon, who has created a new devotional practice from this classic novena that is a favorite of Pope Francis.

Since the seventeenth century, Catholics facing seemingly insurmountable obstacles have turned to Our Lady, Undoer of Knots through a special novena–nine days of prayer for divine intervention. Catholic columnist Marge Fenelon resurrects this ancient tradition, also known as the Unfailing Novena, by reflecting on nine sacred sites associated with Pope Francis’s 2014 pilgrimage to the Holy Land. Reflecting on such holy places as Bethlehem, the Mount of Olives, and the Temple Mount, Fenelon helps readers explore the “knots” or impossible situations in their own lives in order to find peace.

My review: Looking forward to reading this!

Divine Mercy for Moms: Sharing the Lessons of St. Faustina by Michele Faehnle and Emily Jaminet

Synopsis: Originating in the early twentieth century, the Divine Mercy devotion of St. Faustina Kowalska is one of the most celebrated of all Catholic devotions. In this, their first book, Catholic bloggers and speakers Michele Faehnle and Emily Jaminet break open the history, practices, and prayers associated with the devotion, guiding busy moms to receive God’s message of Divine Mercy and pass it on to others through their words, deeds, and prayers.

In Divine Mercy for Moms, Michele Faehnle and Emily Jaminet of the Columbus Catholic Women’s Conference—one of the largest annual Catholic women’s conferences in the country—draw upon their own experiences to introduce you to St. Faustina and her five essential elements of the Divine Mercy message:

  • The image of the Merciful Jesus
  • The Feast of Divine Mercy
  • The Chaplet of Divine Mercy
  • The House of Mercy
  • Spreading the honor of Divine Mercy

With heartwarming stories and practical advice, this book reveals that mercy is not just a gift to be received in the confessional but a spiritual resource that strengthens those who extend themselves in word, deed, and prayer. Designed for personal or group study, Divine Mercy for Moms celebrates the infinite mercy of God and the role of Mary, the Mother of Mercy, in the lives of all believers.

My review:  On my to-read shelf!  I actually got a signed copy at the Catholic Marketing Network Trade Show and found out that Michele Faehnle is a big “fan” of mine and has read most of my novels!  Cool!!

Why I Don’t Call Myself Gay: How I Reclaimed My Sexuality and Found Peace by Daniel C. Mattson

Synopsis: Daniel Mattson once believed he was gay. Raised in a Christian family, and aware of attractions to other boys at age six, Mattson’s life was marked by constant turmoil between his faith in God and his sexual attractions. Finding the conflict between his sexual desires and the teachings of his church too great, he assumed he was gay, turned his back on God, and began a relationship with another man. Yet freedom and happiness remained elusive until he discovered Christ and his true identity.

In this frank memoir, Mattson chronicles his journey to and from a gay identity, finding peace in his true identity, as a man, made in the image and likeness of God. Part autobiography, part philosophy of life, and part a practical guide in living chastely, the book draws lessons from Mattson’s search for inner freedom and integrity, sharing wisdom from his failures and successes. His lifelong search for happiness and peace comes full circle in his realization that, above all else, what is true about him is that he is a beloved son of God, loved into existence by God, created for happiness in this life and the next. Mattson’s book is for anyone who has ever wondered who he is, why he is here, and, in the face of suffering, where to find joy, happiness, and the peace that surpasses all understanding.

My review: I found this to be a riveting, honest and at times heartwrenching story of a man who has same sex attraction but who aspires to live a chaste life according to the teachings of the Church. After living as a gay man, he eventually found peace in his identity made in the image and likeness of God.  Highly recommend!

Who Am I To Judge: Responding to Relativism with Logic and Love by Dr. Edward Sri

Synopsis: Don’t be so judgmental!”

“Why are Christians so intolerant?”

“Why can’t we just coexist?”

In an age in which preference has replaced morality, many people find it difficult to speak the truth, afraid of the reactions they will receive if they say something is right or wrong. Using engaging stories and personal experience, Edward Sri helps us understand the classical view of morality and equips us to engage relativism, appealing to both the head and the heart. Learn how Catholic morality is all about love, why making a judgment is not judging a person’s soul, and why, in the words of Pope Francis, “relativism wounds people.” Topics include:

• Real Freedom, Real Love

• Sharing truth with compassion

• Why “I disagree” doesn’t mean “I hate you”

My Review: I read this in the airport while waiting through several weather delays.  It made the time go very quickly.  Dr. Sri’s book is not only informational, it also gives practical ways of responding to relativism with logic and love. He’s an entertaining storyteller as well. Highly recommend!