Catholic Writers Conference Live 2018 Highlights #cwcl2018 #cmn2018

I had a wonderful time in Lancaster, Pennsylvania this past week at the Catholic Writers Conference Live and the Catholic Marketing Network Trade Show! Here are just a few of the highlights.


Dinner with fellow Guild members, a few bookstore owners and a surprise friend from Canada!


Clockwise: Fr. Don Calloway giving his keynote presentation at the Catholic Writers Conference Live; fellow Guildies and dear friends/authors Lisa Mladinich and Mary Lou Rosien; with “fans” Dr. Jean Egolf and her daughter; the CWG booth.


With some of the Guild members and Fr. Don Calloway.


Clockwise from left: Historic St. Mary’s, Lancaster Convention Center, Historic St. Mary’s (exterior), inside the convention center and Greenwood Cemetery (where some of my Gable ancestors are buried)


Top: FQP Authors: Back row: me, Dr. Barbara Golder, Michelle Buckman, Amanda Lauer; front row: Carolyn Astfalk, Erin McCole Cupp, Karina Fabian and Arthur Powers. Bottom: the Writer and Spirituality panel (left to right: Arthur Powers, me, Marge Fenelon and Lisa Mladinich.) Right: with my dear friend and fellow Guildie and author of children’s novels, Karen Kelly Boyce.

SQT – #CMN, Catholic Writers Conference Live

seven-quick-takes-friday-2-1024x727Please join me and other Catholic bloggers at This Ain’t the Lyceum for Seven Quick Takes Friday. I had a whirlwind trip to New Jersey for the Catholic Marketing Network and the Catholic Writers Conference Live. Here are seven photos from the CMN and Conference:

Speaking to the bookstore owners on Tuesday (notice the riser to help me see over the podium) Photo courtesy Megan Marley

Speaking to the bookstore owners on Tuesday (notice the riser to help me see over the podium) Photo courtesy Megan Marley

#CMNselfie2015, my attempt at a selfie before my first presentation on Wednesday (with help from Pat Gohn)

#CMNselfie2015, my attempt at a selfie before my first presentation on Wednesday (with help from Pat Gohn)

At the Author Reception, with Father Frank Pavone and Janet Morana (copyright Ellen Hrkach)

At the Author Reception, with Father Frank Pavone and Janet Morana (copyright Ellen Hrkach)

With Author Regina Doman

With Author Regina Doman

#cmnselfie2015 with Ann Lewis and Erin McCole Cupp

#cmnselfie2015 with Ann Lewis and Erin McCole Cupp

With other Guild members: Barb Szyszkiewicz, Marianne Komek and FQP authors Carolyn Astfalk and Erin McCole Cupp

With other Guild members: Barb Szyszkiewicz, Marianne Komek and FQP authors Carolyn Astfalk and Erin McCole Cupp

With new FQP author Karina Fabian and Amazing Catechists founder and author Lisa Mladinich at the CWG Booth

With new FQP author Karina Fabian and Amazing Catechists founder and author Lisa Mladinich at the CWG Booth